Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #72.

Weekend coffee #72.

I’m trying to stay posi this week but to be honest, in this shit show of a news cycle, I’m pissed off. Rather than stand on my soapbox, I’m going to quote Samantha Bee who said, “Look, these laws are designed to oppress and control and ultimately overturn Roe v. Wade, and if they succeed, they will directly result in death and poverty for women and other vulnerable people. But it is especially fucked up that the people doing the regulation wouldn’t recognize a vulva if it bit them in the face.” End rant.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program. Or not.

  • From The Atlantic: “When Americans think about fixing gender equality, they tend to focus on the workplace. But gender equality for women still lags in another realm: their own houses.”

  • I love when a viral story gets some follow up. Here’s the owner of the Red Hen restaurant writing on the fallout from asking Sarah Sanders to leave around this time last year.

  • Pretty sure I’ve mentioned my interest in Weegee’s NYC crime scene photos before but here are some recently uncovered shots (found in a junk box!).

  • Another author still using a typewriter and not in the twee, look at how unique I am sort of way. Respectable, even if I’ve only ever read one of her 179 books (and a biography at that).

  • “Humanity has never grown by creating barriers. It always grows when it opens up its borders and it welcomes new cultures.” Lorenzo Quinn on his work, Support.

Until next week - thanks for following along.

P.S. You can buy the shirt above via Raygun.

The great job experiment of 2018.

The great job experiment of 2018.

(Repost) Is This Thing On? How to Earn a Speaking Engagement in 2019 & Beyond

(Repost) Is This Thing On? How to Earn a Speaking Engagement in 2019 & Beyond