Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #84.

Weekend coffee #84.

It’s one of my favorite weeks of the year. That’s right, it’s our local Italian American Festival. Five nights of old guys in red t-shirts slinging sausage sandwiches and zeppoles, overeating and carnival rides. It’s small and silly but the ultimate in summer fun. I’ve already gone twice this week.

  • In the wake of an algorithm-led video store apocalypse, Captain Video stays afloat by offering the human touch. I try and shop locally whenever and wherever possible (despite having a Prime account). There’s something super satisfying about acquiring what you need in real time.

  • The rise of babies in bars, explained. Look I’m not going to lie, I do not enjoy babies in bars. It’s adult time in an adult space and having kids there means I have to keep an eye out when I’m there to relax. Feels like it puts undue responsibility on people who aren’t the parents.

  • That said, it’s mostly a non-issue in my life, which is why I’m also linking to this quote.

  • Switching gears, let’s talk about casual everyday racism (something we’re all pretty much guilty of). These images illuminate the prevalence, even in modern times. I’d say ‘even today’ but under our current administration this seems to be happening more and more (NOT OK!).

  • On a much lighter note, this Taco Bell hotel. Holy moly, how silly. And yet, somewhat intriguing. Mostly because I’m a sucker for novelty lodging (see last year’s trip to Kate’s Lazy Meadow near Woodstock, NY and my long-standing interest in the Madonna Inn out in San Luis Obispo, CA).

  • Even though I’m an endless summer person, I’m considering a return to pants in the coming weeks, via these transitional jumpsuits. Just can’t decide if that means linen or cotton canvas. Leaning towards the latter.

That’s all for now. Until next time - thanks for following along!

Image from IAATO.

On inclusion.

On inclusion.

Weekend coffee #83.

Weekend coffee #83.