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(Repost) LinkedIn Loses – But Who Wins?

(Repost) LinkedIn Loses – But Who Wins?

On Monday, September 9, Microsoft’s LinkedIn lost in federal appeals court. The ruling announced that afternoon, rejected the company’s attempt to stop hiQ Labs from leveraging data from publicly available member profiles. This move marks what’s sure to be the next phase in an already drawn-out legal battle between LinkedIn and the San Francisco-based hiQ.

The bad blood started years ago at this point, with Monday’s news from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upholding an August 2017 decision. Back then, the courts ordered LinkedIn to stop blocking hiQ, a talent management algorithm that analyzes workforce data scraped from the professional networking site. LinkedIn doesn’t like this and tried just about everything it could think of to get hiQ to stop: sending a cease-and-desist letter and installing technical blocks before suing and then dragging out the matter.

This article originally appeared on RecruitingDaily. To continue reading, visit

Image by @claireandy.

Weekend coffee #91.

Weekend coffee #91.

Weekend coffee #90.

Weekend coffee #90.