Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #157.

Weekend coffee #157.

Here we are, the first edition of 2021. I’d like to offer some brilliant take on the shared experiences of 2020, but I’m not quite there yet. Still processing and unpacking, and even then, I’m not one for excessive capitulation. Instead, I’m looking forward, trying out a new approach with monthly goals broken out into three categories: personal, professional, and home. I tend to feel like Jessie Spano in her iconic, “No time—there's never any time! I don't have time to study! I'll never get into Stanford! I'll let everyone down! I'm so confused!” speech, when in reality, there’s plenty of time, if I use it to my advantage. So, that’s my overarching “resolution” if you will, to be more purposeful and intentional with my time.

That’s why this post is coming to you on Sunday instead of Saturday. I used Friday for a white elephant gift exchange with my COVID posse, and yesterday for a quick dip in the Atlantic, finishing my first book and completing my first workout of the year. This brings me to today, wherein I’m prepping for a successful start to the workweek and filing away everything I accumulated over the last 12 months. Here’s what else is going on:

Image by @julesea.

Weekend coffee #158.

Weekend coffee #158.

2020 book list.

2020 book list.