Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #212.

Weekend coffee #212.

I’m back in an attempt to get caught up and fall back into a regular cadence. It’s funny how blogging used to be the preferred medium until Instagram came along. Now all the bloggers I read ten years ago are there posting about how they need to get back to blogging though it never happens. I’ve started and stopped this site more times than I can count, but rather enjoy having an easy-to-navigate repository of past thoughts. Like this find that resurfaced after Bob Saget passed away. I honestly didn’t remember putting that one up until it showed up in my analytics yesterday. Strange days, indeed. Otherwise, here’s a look at what’s going on:

That’s all for now. Until next time - thanks for following along and be well.

Image by @sradams57.

Weekend coffee #213.

Weekend coffee #213.

2021 book list.

2021 book list.