Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

On the agenda.

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Lately I've been playing around a lot with Pinterest and Influenster. I originally wrote about Pinterest all the way back in September 2010 which is mind-blowing in and of itself but I didn't really start to use it consistently until a few months ago. So here are a few things on my agenda courtesy of Pinterest finds:

  • Pumpkin hummus - 'Tis the season. Am hoping to make this over the weekend!
  • Lore and fantasy - I'm way behind but I'm on the Game of Thrones bandwagon. Sue me.
  • Green rooms - Blueish greens are so soothing. I gravitate towards warm colors but am contemplating a cooler palette.
  • Polka dots & leather jackets - If I allowed myself, this would be all I would wear. With boots. Forever.
  • Old Hollywood glam - With a masquerade party on the horizon, I have legends like Gloria Swanson on the brain.

On to Influenster. I only joined back in September but they recently relaunched with a much cleaner design that's way easier to navigate and understand. Well, this is my very first VoxBox so color me surprised when I opened it up without realizing who it was from and found 3 full size bottles of Palmolive Fresh Infusions inside. Given my penchant for cooking, there are obviously dishes to do. Tucked inside was Ginger White Tea, Lemon Thyme, and Lime Basil. All three smell pretty good with the Lemon Thyme most closely resembling traditional dishwashing liquid smells. I gave it a quick trial and found the liquid was light with a nice lather, nothing too surprising, however, I was actually impressed by the sparkling clean claim. Typically skeptical of just about everything, my first impression was actually very positive this time around.

Stay tuned to see how that Pumpkin Hummus turns out.


Fall adventures - 2012 edition.

Fall adventures - 2012 edition.