Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #51.

Weekend coffee #51.

Two days post-birthday and still celebrating. Well, trying to…cause let’s be honest, I’m exhausted. Ha. I started Wednesday night with a screening of the new Mary Poppins. Followed that up with actual day of birthday celebrating and into the weekend. Here I am. A whole year older and all the worse for the wear. In the midst of everything else, I’m trying desperately to wrap up 2018 and catch a small break before the New Year. Not sure it’s going to happen. Thoughts and prayers. Anyway, this is all the other stuff I’m mulling over:

That’s all for now. Short week. Hope you enjoy your holidays. See you one more time before 2019.


(Repost) Will the real candidate please stand up?

(Repost) Will the real candidate please stand up?

2018 book update.

2018 book update.