Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #7.

Weekend coffee #7.

This was a week, wasn't it? February is not exactly my favorite month. Yes, it's short but it's around now that the winter doldrums hit hard. That said, I did see a few winter crocuses starting to appear in my front yard so here's hoping the groundhog proves wrong

Love this before and after posted on Design*Sponge. The Ali Forney Center is an important space and one I try to support when possible. 

I'm going to read this to myself as a pep talk every time I have a bright idea. Currently at work on a few soon-to-be award-winning books. 

In light of Wednesday's tragedy, I would encourage you to read "On the Imperative of Content" via Jezebel

All hail the weeknight dinner. Dinner: A Love Story is a perennial favorite and I so enjoy the concept of a dinner diary (and keeping the habit up for 20 years!). 

And despite my feelings about the current state of the union, presidential history is still a favorite topic of mine. Here's an interesting article about president numero uno, George Washington

Happy long weekend!

Africa, part three.

Africa, part three.

Beijinho de Coco (Little Coconut Kisses).

Beijinho de Coco (Little Coconut Kisses).