Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #96.

Weekend coffee #96.

So Halloween was a bit of a bust. The weather turned out to be windy and damp, and not many kids showed up. For the first time in seven years, I ended up with candy leftover! Usually, I’m wiped out by dark, and turn the lights out and hide. Now, I’m in Fort Lauderdale for a super short, family-related trip, but I’ll be back home tonight. In the meantime, here’s what I was reading and thinking about this week:

Until next time - thanks for following along!

P.S. For anyone looking, I took down my services page for some updating. It will be back up soon!

Image by @lukaszlada.

Weekend coffee #97.

Weekend coffee #97.

Weekend coffee #95.

Weekend coffee #95.