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Weekend coffee #99.

Weekend coffee #99.

There’s something oddly satisfying about writing 99 in the headline, even though there are more than 50 weeks in a year. Either way, we’re approaching the end of 2019, and with that, everyone seems to be talking about 2009. Funny how that happens. In reflecting on where I was ten years ago, I started to remember a shame spiral that started that December and lasted about two years. Not my favorite time in life, but you know, insert inspirational quote here. Or maybe, just “Shit happens.” And while not overly religious or spiritual in any one way, I have to believe there’s a reason those people, places and things aren’t in my life anymore. So on that uplifting note, let’s look back on this week, shall we?

  • While we’re on the topic of reminiscing, I saw a favorite band from high school post about the 20th anniversary of their seminal album, and then Sisqo discussing the origins of “The Thong Song,” all in the same day. What a world.

  • Talent May Be Shifting Away From Superstar Cities. Look, I love/hate New York as much as the next former resident now living in its shadow, but does it surprise anyone that people don’t want to spend every last cent they have to survive? You don’t say.

  • I loved Alison Roman’s take on Thanksgiving, especially her fancy take on canned (!!) cranberry. I’m getting weirdly excited about all of the cooking I have to do this week. And thanks to spacing out the shopping only have a few more ingredients to pick up.

  • I'm intrigued by this flight attendant-favorite black jumpsuit, particularly the long-sleeve version. I don’t usually go for the items like last year’s winter coat (or Alison Roman’s famous cookies or stew, for that matter) though I think it’s clear I stan a one-piece ensemble.

  • And because I’m at a loss for other non-impeachment inquiry links to share, I’ll end on what I’m reading and watching: Know My Name and The Crown, Season Three. If anyone wants to discuss either, feel free to reach out.

Until next time - thanks for following along.

Image by the author circa November 2009.

Weekend coffee #100.

Weekend coffee #100.

Weekend coffee #98.

Weekend coffee #98.