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(Repost) The Year of Magical Rethinking

(Repost) The Year of Magical Rethinking

Safe to say, 2020 threw the whole world a giant curveball. Everything from grocery shopping to conferences and concerts looking a lot different than they did back at the start of the year. And while technically it’s still summer, 2021 isn’t that far off.

But here’s the thing – things aren’t going to change when the clock strikes midnight on December 31. What’s happened these last several months isn’t going to disappear. If anything, the promise of 2021 offers little more than the chance to rethink how we’re operating right now. Which, for many, is survival mode.

So how do we move from surviving to thriving without any certainty in the future?

We rethink.

This article originally appeared at RecruitingDaily. To keep reading, visit:

Weekend coffee #141.

Weekend coffee #141.

Weekend coffee #140.

Weekend coffee #140.