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(Repost)  Radical Empathy: A New Relationship for HR and Recruiting

(Repost) Radical Empathy: A New Relationship for HR and Recruiting

This three-part series looks at what’s next for human resources and talent acquisition. Part one makes a case for 2021 as HR’s moment of radical praxis, part two for rebuilding the relationship with TA, and part three for recentering what functions as the heart of organizations. 

The last 12 months have delivered countless clichés. Now more than ever. The new normal. These unprecedented times. We also heard a lot of “We’ll get through this together,” which seems to indicate a level of solidarity that didn’t exist pre-pandemic, so why would it now? The world is full of silos, and HR is no different, often caught in a tug of war with related functions, but mainly TA.

Much like the two-party system, HR and TA’s rift is growing increasingly contentious, despite everyone ultimately wanting what’s best for the organization. HR wants to own TA, likely because it factors into their performance, while TA is on a Rodney Dangerfield-level quest for some respect for their expertise.

The ownership mentality pits one side against the other, allowing the misery and judgment to continue. That said, if 2021 is HR’s moment of radical praxis, it needs to do more than self-reflect.

It needs to assess its collateral damage and find a way to repair relationships. TA first. You need each other more than you realize – or are willing to admit.

Before we hug it out, let’s look at what happened and how we fix it.

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Image by @sunday_digital.

(Repost) Radical Flexibility: The Great Reawakening

(Repost) Radical Flexibility: The Great Reawakening

(Repost) Radical Praxis: What Happens When HR Gets Rehired?

(Repost) Radical Praxis: What Happens When HR Gets Rehired?