Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #120.

Weekend coffee #120.

Welcome back. Not much has changed, though I did spend 1.5 hours in line to get into Trader Joe’s yesterday. Fully restocked for the moment and trying my best just to stay home. My anxiety is manifesting in the form of excess energy so I’ve been taking the dogs on crazy long walks, cooking and baking elaborate meals, going back and finishing crossword puzzles I started in December, repainting parts of the house and so on. I’m not saying this to be like “Oh you should be productive right now.” That’s not it at all, it’s just how my crazy brain is dealing. Otherwise, here’s what’s on my mind:

That's all for now. If anyone needs anything, let me know! Until next time - thanks for following along and be well.

Image via NASA.

Weekend coffee #121.

Weekend coffee #121.

Weekend coffee #119.

Weekend coffee #119.