Greetings, hi, hello.

Welcome to my site. This is where I showcase my work and write about this thing called life. Enjoy!

Weekend coffee #121.

Weekend coffee #121.

I have no what week this anymore, quarantine is finally starting to feel like a "new normal," for better or worse. Jesse is still considered essential, so we're still keeping a social distance from everyone we know as the cases in NJ have topped 100,000 at this point. But we really can't complain. We got some masks in the mail from a friend and have been playing trivia Friday nights with friends. It’s my aunt and sister’s birthdays, so there are Zoom parties to attend and phone calls to make. Otherwise, here's what I've been up to lately:

That's all for now. If anyone needs anything, let me know! Until next time - thanks for following along and be well.

Image by me (my yard, as of yesterday).

(Repost) Hiring with Intent, Hiring on Purpose

(Repost) Hiring with Intent, Hiring on Purpose

Weekend coffee #120.

Weekend coffee #120.