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(Repost) Work From Home and the Impact on Parenting

(Repost) Work From Home and the Impact on Parenting

While there’s evidence to indicate that the COVID-19 pandemic is becoming more manageable, we’re likely years away from fully understanding its impact. Scholars will spend years, if not decades working through first-hand accounts, medical documentation, news stories, and more to unpack what the world collectively experienced.

But even though the introduction of vaccines is causing a renewed sense of hope and optimism, we’re not out of the woods yet – and parents will probably be the first to tell you that. Though the last year and then some have been trying for most folks, parents faced the unenviable task of balancing priorities without much in terms of support.

Organizations that previously provided perks like childcare and on-site fitness facilities shuttered. Daycares and schools bounced from remote to in-person and back again. Colleges required the careful orchestration of on-campus living, off-campus learning, and continual testing to try and keep students safe.

Caught somewhere in the middle of this were the parents, just trying to keep going.    

For some, the work-life integration act turned flaming tightrope walk proved to be too much. And in turn, a considerable number of parents, particularly women, left the workforce entirely.

However, this devastating loss shined a light on deep-seated issues affecting working parents – and what some companies have done to support these employees.

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Image via @thattravelblog.

Weekend coffee #175.

Weekend coffee #175.

Weekend coffee #174.

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